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A proposal for the treatment in the use of swine manure produced at “El Encanto” swine farm located at San Juan de Rioseco

Propuesta para el tratamiento de porcinaza generada en la granja porcícola “El Encanto” ubicada en San Juan de Rioseco


How to Cite
A proposal for the treatment in the use of swine manure produced at “El Encanto” swine farm located at San Juan de Rioseco (J. A. Ariza Martínez, R. A. Sanabria Velandia, G. López Martínez, & L. M. Gómez Torres , Trans.). (2017). Letras ConCiencia TecnoLógica, 17, 3-11.


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This research presents the diagnosis made when visiting the farm "El Encanto", located in the municipality of San Juan de Rioseco (Cundinamarca), where some swine manure waste disposal problems were found. The results of the measurement of biogas production from the anaerobic digestion carried out with the swine manure sample collected in the farm as well as the theoretical calculation of its potential energy are shown.

Finally, using bio digesters, the swine manure can be subjected to the action of anaerobic microorganisms and transformed into biogas and bio fertilizer, which is nutrient-rich and this alternative to improve the final disposal of the produced swine in the farm is considered to put forward solutions as well as their respective benefits and economic evaluation.

of the produced swine in the farm is considered to put forward solutions as well as their respective benefits and economic evaluation.

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